5 Social Media Post Ideas

Keeping up with a Social Media Schedule can be hard. Coming up with what to post can be tricky. That's what this post is for. I'm going to give you 5 different ideas that you can use over and over again.

Let's get started:

Using the myth-busting technique, you'll take a common myth in your Industry. Put this myth on the image, make sure to use the word 'MYTH'. Then in the caption...bust that baby.

Explain to people what the truth of the matter is. Make sure you talk with confidence and authority. You want people to trust what you are saying. Remember...you're the expert here.

This is not only educational, BUT it sets you up as an expert and a leader in your industry.

You can also end your caption with a question. This opens a conversation between you and your followers. Mythbusting is a great way to entertain, educate and engage all at the same time.

There is a trending audio at the moment that says this:

'You have to post about your products so people know they exist’

It's so true! Sales posts can be hard to make, many people feel uncomfortable taking space to sell what they do. As hard as this is, it's important that you take the time and the space to post about your products. You don't have to do this all the time. I have a 1-a-week policy when it comes to sales. That way you're doing it, but not all the time. There's a fine line between selling and being pushy.

This post can be:

  • An image of your product

  • A Reel of you making the product

  • A video advertising the product/service

Have fun with it. You love your product. Be confident and sell like you mean it.

If you've ever been on a Coaching Call with me, you'll know that one of my favourite sayings is:

'People Follow People'

There is a professional line we don't want to cross. But as a rule, you can share something personal without being inappropriate.

Some examples from past clients:

  • A Dietitian with health struggles who shares why nutrition means so much to her

  • A Biokineticist who understands injury as he has damaged his knees

Think about your personal journey. Highlight aspects of it that are relevant to what you're doing now. A little vulnerability goes a long way with people.

And if you're feeling particularly bold you can share something personal and funny. Readers always enjoy a good giggle at something worth reading.

In marketing, we call this your Unique Selling Point or USP for short. It's the 21st century. Every industry is facing an oversaturation problem. There are 100s if not 1000s of people offering the same thing you are offering.

  • What makes you different?

  • Why should people choose you?

These are the kind of facts you want to focus on when you're creating your content. It's okay to say the same thing over and over again. Being repetitive is a good thing. The average attention span on Social Media is 7 seconds...

It's good to remind people, but not too much. Use the 1-a-week rule for this type of post too. There is a fine line between reminding and nagging. Using the 1-a-week rule will help you make sure you don't cross the line.

When people are browsing on their phones they're in what I like to call 'lazy' mode. This means that they're not going to be looking to type out long or complicated questions. This is where you come in.

If you run any kind of business then you know what your FAQs are. Choose one, put it in a design and answer it in the caption. This may also save you the effort of having to answer the question over and over again in your DMs.

PS If the design is something you struggle with I have a store full of Drag & Drop Designs ready for you to use!

Make sure you consider the question you are going to ask. It needs to be:

  • Easy to read

  • Easy to answer

  • Easy to remember

Our goal is to make it as easy as possible for people to engage with your content.


In Conclusion

These are 5 tried and tested posts that I use all the time. I hope you enjoy creating these posts like I do.

If you're needing more help than this post. Reach out in an email. Between Private Coaching & Social Media Courses I can help you with whatever you need.

Remember to follow me on Instagram: @sincerelymedia

Now go rock the gram with these awesome ideas! Remember to tag me if they helped you! I love seeing how this content helps you!


The Myth Of Motivation